Frequently asked questions

In order to answer some of the questions I get asked very often, I compiled this F.A.Q. in the hopes of answering some of them.


1 - What camera do you use?

I have been a Canon shooter for a long time. I started my journey into professional photography with a Canon 50D, before investing into a Canon 5D Mark III a few years after. I have also been using a Fujifilm X-T3 (which I converted to Infrared), an X-T4 as well as a Fujifilm X100V when I require an even lighter setup for travel, street or private photography. Lately, I am relying on a Canon R5 for most of my photography.

When none of the above cameras are with me, I rely on my smartphone. As the saying goes: "The best camera is the one you have with you."

For more information, check out the complete list of my photography gear.


2 - What languages do you speak?

Well, as you may have noticed, I do speak English. Not as well as I’d like to, but well enough I hope.

Le français est ma langue maternelle.

Deutsch is meine zweite Muttersprache!

An ech schwätzen och e bësse Lëtzebuergesch.


3 - Do you offer any private photography courses or workshops?

I do.

Please check the workshop section to see all currently available workshops.


4 - Are your pictures for sale?

Yes, they are.

It all depends on what you are looking for:

Would you like something nice for a gift or to hang on your own wall? Then have a look at my fine art prints.

Are you interesting in using one of my pictures to illustrate your own content, like a website or a brochure? In that case you can acquire a license.


5 - I’d like some nice pictures of my house/Garden/Building/Castle. Can you help?

Now we are talking! I do indeed work on commissioned projects in the field of architecture, real estate and landscape photography. I’d be happy to provide you with a free quote. Just get in touch and we’ll work something out.


6 - I am new to landscape photography. Can you give me some tips?

Sure, shoot away with your questions. I will try to answer them to the best of my knowledge and as time permits.

For more extensive tips and tricks you can also book an online class or a private workshop.