I have been happy to participate once more at this year's Troc'n'Brol at the Rotondes in Luxembourg City.
What is the Troc'n'Brol?
Well, the Troc'n'Brol is a very unusual kind of exhibition. Local artists exhibit some of their work (old, recent, entirely new or specially made for the event). Visitors can then bid on all artworks, although money is not the currency here. In order to win an artwork, bids have to be some kind of exchangeable thing or service. Bids can be pretty much anything, from a meal, to another piece of art, to some free lessons, and so on. Original and creative bids are usually appreciated by the artists, while food is often refused.
The Troc'n'Brol 2016
While the Troc'n'Brol usually takes place on a single night, this year's event took place on a Friday and Saturday, and gave visitors ample time to place their bids.
This is the second year I participate in this very fun event. Last year, I showed off some pictures with my friends from Street Photography Luxembourg. This year I did that again, but I also put on display a few of my photos from the Seasons of Luxembourg Art Collection.
As always, there were some truly awesome artworks on display, made by many talented artists from Luxembourg. And the new owners of some of these pieces were looking very happy!

This years Troc'n'Brol were a couple of very fun nights! I enjoyed reading through the different bids, although some were pretty strange or simply not to my taste... Courses in sophrology, no thank you! Another raclette dinner, nope, not my thing. I went home with a few exchanged artworks as well as a home-cooked Italian meal.
A big thank you to Steph Myers and the Rotondes for organising this great event.