Fireworks over Luxembourg City during the country's Naional Holiday taking place on the eve of the 23rd June
TITLE: Rain and Fire

Autumn view over the Petrusse valley with the BCEE tower and the rooftops of the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Luxembourg City
TITLE: City Ablaze

Sunset over Luxembourg City's Corniche with the roofs of Notre-Dame and the BCEE tower in the distance
TITLE: Summer Solace

The Hollow Tooth Tower and the Casemates in Luxembourg City during sunrise
TITLE: Remnant Tower

Autumn in Luxembourg City's Grund neighbourhood
TITLE: Autumn Valley

Christmas market on Place de la Constitution in Luxembourg City
TITLE: Season's Greetings

Fireworks during National Day in Luxembourg City
TITLE: Colours of Luxembourg

Luxembourg-City's Grund with the Abbey of Neumunster and the Saint Michael Church, seen from Jacob Tower
TITLE: Nocturnal Tide

Luxembourg city's Three Towers and one of the Spanish Towers
TITLE: The City's Watchtowers

Luxembourg's BCEE tower and the bell tower of the Belair church bathing in warm sunset light
TITLE: Golden Dusk

Autumn in Luxembourg City along the Hollow Tooth Tower and the ramparts of the Casemates
TITLE: The Tower above the Fire

Luxembourg's Grand-Ducal Palace lies in the very heart of the city
TITLE: Royals

Rue de l'eau in Luxembourg City with its glass bridge of the Parliament and the towers of the Notre-Dame cathedral in the background
TITLE: The Narrows

Sunset over Luxembourg City's Corniche with the roofs of Notre-Dame and the BCEE tower in the distance
TITLE: Eternal Summer

The Tower of the Hollow Tooth on the Bock above the Casemates was part of Luxembourg's ancient fortress
TITLE: Hollow Tooth